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Head Lopper Volume 4: Head Lopper & the Quest for Mulgrid's Stair

Title Head Lopper Volume 4: Head Lopper & the Quest for Mulgrid's Stair
Writer Andrew MacLean (Author, Artist),
Date 2025-02-24 01:16:58
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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With high stakes action and big imagination, Norgal and Agatha embark on a quest to find an invisible staircase to the heavens, atop which sits Mulgrid the All-Knowing. With dark assassins everywhere, Norgal hopes the aid of Mulgrid will give him the upper hand. Slashing their way through gorgons, bombing their way past gargantuan spiders, and navigating the politics of a kingdom on the brink of collapse, the fellowship must make teamwork a priority to survive.Collects HEAD LOPPER #13-16 Read more


This series is like Conan, but with art that feels Hellboy-esque. Overall less graphic (mostly due to the art) than most Conan series, but still has it's share of violence and blood. Each collected edition is thick, which means more hack and slash for your buck. Old school D&D fans will love this title!

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