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Speak English Like an American

Title Speak English Like an American
Writer Amy Gillett (Author)
Date 2025-03-15 11:33:56
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Our bestselling English learning book is now available as a Kindle ebook! Please note that the ebook does not include audio files. The audio option (which is optional) should be purchased separately here:'s the secret to speaking English better? It's mastery of those tricky idioms and phrases that are so common in English. And learning these idioms and phrases will not only help you speak better, it'll help you understand Americans better. In this book, you'll join an American family as they go about their day-to-day lives. Along the way, you will master over 300 of today's most common English idioms and expressions!Discover why thousands of students from around the world are turning to Speak English Like an American to improve their everyday English skills...this bestselling book is a fun and effective way to improve your English! Other books in this series are: More Speak English Like an American, Speak English Around Town, Speak Business English Like an American, and Speak Better Business English and Make More Money. Read more


Editorial Reviews Review I must admit that even after 15 years living in America, I found this book useful and relevant... --Vadim Yarmolinets, Novoye Russkoye Slovo Newspaper (refers to the Russian edition of this book)This version of book & audio CD set is the "all-English version" and is designed for native speakers of any language. Speak English Like an American is also available in specialized versions for: - Native Spanish Speakers - Native Chinese Speakers - Native Russian Speakers - Native Japanese Speakers These language-specific versions define the idioms and expressions in both English and the target language. The dialogues are the same as with the standard, all-English version of Speak English Like an American. --From the PublisherA highly recommended self-teaching tool... --Midwest Library Review (review refers to the Spanish edition of this book) From the Publisher This version of book & audio CD set is the "all-English version" and is designed for native speakers of any language. Speak English Like an American is also available in specialized versions for: - Native Spanish Speakers - Native Chinese Speakers - Native Russian Speakers - Native Japanese Speakers These language-specific versions define the idioms and expressions in both English and the target language. The dialogues are the same as with the standard, all-English version of Speak English Like an American. About the Author Amy Gillett has taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in Europe and the USA. Her articles and humorous essays have appeared in many American publications, including MAD Magazine, Family Circle, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Ms. Gillett holds degrees in Slavic Languages and Literature and Russian and East European Studies from Stanford University, plus an MBA from Cornell. She is also the author of Speak Business English Like an American, More Speak English Like an American, Speak English Around Town, and Speak Better Business English and Make More Money. She was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal for her knowledge of American English slang and idioms.Amy Gillett has taught English as a Second Language (ESL) in Prague, Czech Republic, and in Stamford, Connecticut. Read more

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