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How Colleges Change: Understanding, Leading, and Enacting Change

Title How Colleges Change: Understanding, Leading, and Enacting Change
Writer Adrianna Kezar (Author)
Date 2025-02-22 18:04:35
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Joining theory and practice, How Colleges Change unmasks problematic assumptions that university leaders and change agents typically possess, and provides research-based principles for approaching change. Featuring case studies, teaching questions, change tools, and a greater focus on scaling change, this monumental new edition offers updated content and fresh insights into understanding, leading, and enacting change. Recognizing that internal and external conditions shape and frame change processes, Kezar presents an overarching practical toolkit—a framework for analyzing change, as well as a set of theoretical perspectives to apply that framework in order to custom-design a change process, no matter the organizational challenge or context. How Colleges Change is a crucial resource for aspiring and practicing campus leaders, higher education practitioners, scholars, faculty, and staff who want to become agents of change in their own institutions. Read more


Editorial Reviews Review "Leavened with uncommon wisdom, this authoritative volume draws on theory, empirical research, and examples from the field to distill lessons for navigating and purposefully responding to the challenging circumstances affecting virtually every aspect of contemporary college and university life." ―George D. Kuh, Chancellor’s Professor Emeritus of Higher Education, Indiana University, USA"Adrianna Kezar has captured the reality of what it means for higher education to adapt to the needs of a world in which even the nature of change itself is changing. How Colleges Change guides us gracefully through the uncertain landscape that we face as we set out to help our campuses respond to the needs and interests of our students and our society today." ―Judith Ramaley, President Emerita and Distinguished Professor of Public Service, Portland State University, and President Emerita of Winona State University, USA About the Author Adrianna Kezar is Co-Director of the Pullias Center for Higher Education and Professor of Higher Education at the University of Southern California, USA.

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