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The Prepper's Guide to Surviving Pandemics, Bioterrorism, and Infectious Disease

Title The Prepper's Guide to Surviving Pandemics, Bioterrorism, and Infectious Disease
Writer William W. Forgey
Date 2025-02-20 06:26:14
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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The pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 has changed how we live our lives, and most likely will do so for years to come. While not exclusively about SARS-CoV-2, The Prepper's Guide to Surviving Pandemics, Bioterrorism, and Infectious Disease covers the subject thoroughly and also delves into the massive controversy concerning herd immunity, which vaccines are the most likely to work, the issue of second wave or resurgence caused by school re-openings and other activities, changes in public policy, and numerous other topics.


The only thing this book has to do with preppers is that the author, a medical doctor, has spent his life on wildlife adventures and has training in that capacity as well. He has written at least one other supposed medical book for preppers and that one is all about what pharmaceutical products to have on hand and that you need to get to a hospital for the most part. Forgey is a very traditional doctor and I never get any feeling of "prepper" from his books at all. This is a book about what was known about covid last year with a little history on past pandemics. While I'm not a full-on prepper, I am a forager, gardener, canner, herbalist, etc. and I also run a very large foraging group that has a large prepper membership. This is not the sort of book that I see any of those folks wanting and I did not find it useful for myself either. I really couldn't find anyplace in this book that gave advice from a prepper angle. Forgey is very traditional and very pro-vaccine. He acknowledges they won't work if you are exposed to high enough amounts of the virus or if your immune system is not up to it (and that prior infection will not protect you then either) and also that some will die of adverse reactions, but he highly recommends them and says that the few deaths are for the greater good. He recommends getting to the hospital if you get Covid. There is no mention of how to do self care if you get it, other than half a sentence about rest and hydration. Instead, it's all about how variants develop, what the R factor is, how the virus replicates, etc. He recommends three-layer masks at a minimum and social distancing. (I am not saying any of this is bad advice -- I am merely saying that none of this has anything to do with what most preppers consider prepping.) There is absolutely nothing here for the "prep" in prepper -- no talk about storing food, water or medicine, or finding these if supplies are diminished, no survival information, no talk of the herbal medicines that have been used to treat Covid (some already with promising studies showing effectiveness), nothing like that. There is zero prepper info in this or than a small section on how to sew your own masks. I did not learn anything new, although I was already well read on Covid and the various ways vaccines and viruses work.I'm not sure who the audience for this book is. It merits two stars from me for okay, but it's not one that I'd recommend widely.I read a digital ARC of this book via Net Galley.

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