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The Witch and The Werewolf

Title The Witch and The Werewolf
Writer Danielle Hylton-Outland
Date 2025-02-19 23:07:32
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Washington DC’s journalist, Rye Yates is well-dressed, gorgeous and cursed. After an unusual encounter with a witch, his love for a woman could mean her death sentence. When Rye meets Clair, her effervescent personality instantly grabs his heart. What will Rye and Clair do when they uncover a hundred-year-old secret that was never meant to be revealed? The ending is unthinkable, and the betrayal and secrets leave no one unscathed.


I received a copy of this book pre release- I really enjoyed this book and read it straight through. Its a page turner and the story has so much to it- I will be reading the next in the series! Big thank you to the author for giving me a chance to read it before release!

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