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Mist of Midnight

Title Mist of Midnight
Writer Sandra Byrd
Date 2025-03-16 02:26:25
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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Rebecca Ravenshaw, daughter of missionaries, spent most of her life in India. Following the death of her family in the Indian Uprising of 1857, Rebecca returns to claim her family estate in Hampshire, England. People are surprised to see her...and highly suspicious. Less than a year earlier, an imposter had arrived with an Indian servant and assumed not only Rebecca’s name but also her home and income.That pretender died within months of her appearance and was hastily buried at midnight. The locals believe that perhaps she, Rebecca, is the real imposter. Her home and her father’s investments reverted to a distant relative, the darkly charming Captain Luke Whitfield, who quickly took over.Against her best intentions, Rebecca falls in love with Whitfield, forcing her to question his motives—does he want her or Headbourne House? If Luke is simply after the property, as everyone suspects, she may suffer a similar fate as the first “Rebecca.”A captivating romance set against a backdrop of intrigue and danger, Mist of Midnight will leave you breathless.~~~~A discussion of potentially sensitive content may be found on the author’s webpage for this book for those who would like to preview it before reading.


•| ⊱✿⊰ |• 4,5 Stars •| ⊱✿⊰ |•O primeiro livro que leio de Sandra Byrd.Tendo estado na prateleira, juntamente com o segundo volume a aguardar publicação do último livro da trilogia, pela Topseller, agora Penguin Random House, por mais de dois anos, desisti.O terceiro volume terá de ser lido em formato digital e na sua língua original.Não é novidade, visto as editoras portuguesas terem por hábito um desrespeito enorme pelo leitor, ou iniciam publicações de séries a meio, ou simplesmente largam as séries, esquecendo quem comprou os primeiros volumes e gostaria de terminar.Whatever...Reitero...What's new?!?Gostei imenso desta história, um pouco diferente do habitual de romance de época.Ah, muito importante:Clean romance, para quem possa questionar.Rebecca chega a Inglaterra, que deixou aos quatro anos, quando partiu para a India com os seus pais e irmão, por serem missionários.Quando volta, descobre que alguém se passou por ela, mas essa mesma pessoa, está morta.Desconfianças recaem sob o capitão Luke Whitfield, um primo afastado que iria herdar a propriedade, caso Rebecca não tivesse sobrevivido à revolta na Índia, como aconteceu com os seus pais.Coisas estranhas acontecem e a minha curiosidade aprofunda-se.Quem era a misteriosa mulher e será que foi o capitão Luke que a matou ou realmente se tratou de suicídio?Entretanto, temos uma Rebecca que não consegue evitar apaixonar-se pelo carismático capitão que tantos corações tem quebrado.4,5 estrelas apenas por ser um pouco religioso demais para o meu gosto e pelo final que não "colou" para mim, relativamente à dama de companhia.Também achei que o final fosse apressado e meio vago, gostaria que tivesse sido um pouco mais desenvolvido.De qualquer forma, a escrita é fantástica e a história envolvente.════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════The first book I read by Sandra Byrd.Having been on the shelf, along with the second volume awaiting publication of the last book in the trilogy, by Topseller, now Penguin Random House, for over two years, I gave up.The third volume must be read in digital format and in its original language.It's nothing new, since Portuguese publishers have a habit of disrespecting the reader, or they start publishing series in the middle, or simply drop the series, forgetting who bought the first volumes and would like to finish.Whatever...I reiterate...What's new?!?I really enjoyed this story, a little different from the usual historical romance.Ah, very important:Clean romance, for those who may want to know.Rebecca arrives in England, which she left when she was four years old, that was when she left for India with her parents and brother, for being missionaries.When she returns, she discovers that someone has impersonated her, but that same person is dead.Suspicions fall on Captain Luke Whitfield, a distant cousin who would have inherited the property, had Rebecca not survived the uprising in India, as happened with her parents.Strange things happen and my curiosity deepens.Who was the mysterious woman and was it Captain Luke who killed her or was it really a suicide?However, we have a Rebecca who can't help but fall in love with the charismatic captain that so many hearts he have broken.4.5 stars just for being a little too religious for my taste and for the ending that didn't 'convinced me' to me, regarding the chaperone.I also thought the ending was rushed and a little vague, I wish it had been a little more developed.Anyway, the writing is fantastic and the story engaging.════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════ ⋆ ★ ⋆ ════

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