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Glass Heart Savage

Title Glass Heart Savage
Writer Lindsey Iler
Date 2025-03-13 01:16:50
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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π˜π˜ˆπ˜π˜–π˜Š. π˜‹π˜Œπ˜Šπ˜Œπ˜π˜›. π˜—π˜™π˜π˜π˜π˜“π˜Œπ˜Žπ˜Œ.The elite come to play on the campus of Glass Heart Academy.𝐏𝐚π₯𝐦𝐞𝐫My sister was their everything. I’m their nothing.They waited three hundred and sixty-five days after her disappearance to acknowledge I’m alive.Their wicked games should scare me.Except they don’t know I’m not much different than her.𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐀Palmer Weston isn’t anything like her sister.She’s sweet and naive. There are plenty of reasons why I should keep my distance.Except where’s the fun in that.I’m a boy who loves his toys and I’ve kept her on the shelf long enough.It seems someone is determined on giving Palmer the same fate as her sister.Problem is I’ve never been good at sharing.{Glass Heart Savage is the first book in the Glass Heart Academy Series.}


***4 "Your heart!!!" stars*** NOW AVAILABLE "You have glass hearts. All four of you. It's just a matter of time before someone comes along and exposes the cracks.""And let me guess, you're going to be that girl...You really want to dance with the devil, baby?" If i would say that the beginning wasn't confusing, I would lie.But as the pages were turning, well, I was a goner for these four boys, especially for Marek and Breaker and of course, for Palmer...This story frustrated me in many levels, but it was so intoxicating...And now, that I have finished the book, I'm craving for more...I need to unravel all their secrets.... Badly!!!! "Things aren't always what they seem, Palmer. Remember that." Palmer was a good girl and a perfect student...Before a year her sister had vanished leaving behind only some trails of her blood... and that fact isn't something that you can get over so easily...And then there is the fact that she is invisible to the rest of the Glass Heart Academy students...Until after a whole year, she is starting to get the attention of the four privileged Glass Heart Boys with whom her sister were very close...What is the purpose behind their strange behavior??? And why she is drawn so much toward one of them??? "Don't let me in, Palmer. You're going to want to, I can promise you that, but all I'll end up doing is hurting you.""Don't ever show your weakness around us. We'll use it against you. Even if we're the ones that force it out of its hiding spot." Marek is one of the privileged assholes that are above all the others in this Academy...He and his boys (Breaker, Byron and Dixon) are really tight between them, but all of them have a thorn in their side that can not leave them in peace and that thorn was Palmer's sister...Now, the boys and especially Marek had turned their sights upon Palmer, even though they believe that she is anything like her sister...But Marek for an inexplicable reason is drawn toward her and he can't seem to keep his hands away from her, even he supposed to... "We are a unit. An unbreakable chain wraps around each of us, connecting us. We hold onto the secrets and fears, welcoming the dark and despicable. It's how we work. It's how we thrive.""A little wild paired with grace.Palmer Weston is the kind of girl you hope you end up with in the end." So what will happen after all???What secrets these four boys are keeping???Will Palmer prove to them that she is stronger than they think???And what secrets her sister was keeping????Who was Reed to these boys??? What had she meant for them???And Palmer can handle to be always second best to her when her heart and body is at stake??? "She loved them. Not in a perverse kind of way, but to her, they were these undeniable creatures. The world could turn their back on them, and she'd be there. I never quite understood what had her so indebted to them.""And now you do?""No, but I love to see what she saw." Well, I loved Palmer...I loved that she was proving over and over again that she was stronger than they were giving her credit for...I loved her wild and sensual side that she was getting out to play when Marek was around...And even though these boys made her life a living hell, i loved that she still kept her head high and she was refusing to bow down to them...The truth is that Marek broke her heart with his actions and along her, Marek hurt me too!!!The ache and the frustration level was driving me crazy and i have so many questions over him... "There's one hundred percent chance you will rip parts of me to shreds, but on the off chance you don't?""I'm going to...""And if you don't, then I'll have the pleasure of knowing I've created a little bit of chaos in Marek Hawthorne's heart, even if it's short-lived.""Looking for a link to my sister forced me into the lion's den. They bit me down to the bone, where it hurt, made me second guess my own sanity and choices, all to rip everything out from under me.What I still don't understand is why?" Marek was wild, untamed, ruthless and cruel... He and his boys could do atrocities with no other care in the world...But deep down inside Marek had a heart and i believe that it had started to beat for Palmer, but still his loyalty and blind trust to the rest of the boys were unnerving at least...He allowed too many shits to go down that he shouldn't....And honestly, i can not understand his connection with Palmer's sister, or i just don't won't to accept what i already know...Still, i have too many questions for both of them... "Palmer makes me believe there is more out there in the world than this life. She isn't mine though. Like Byron said, no room for feelings.""Letting her in, being out there with her, will only make the inevitable harder. This can go nowhere." The only sure is that the connection between Marek and Palmer was explosive...But they were only hurting each other... Scratch that... Marek was hurting her and Palmer was trying to survive his explosions...The truth is that the firsts chapters confused the hell out of me, but i can say the same for the rest of the book...God, i need to find out more about this crazy story... and i need to find out who's after Palmer!!! Cause someone wants her to have the same fate with her sister... "Marek Hawthorne has a certain kind of charisma. He's talented at sweeping the negative away, making me feel whole when everything is broken.""Palmer changed everything. She changed me before I had a chance to stop her." Now, about the boys!!!Breaker, even though he seemed tough, he was such a sweetheart!!! I love this guy and he is the only one that i can trust of the bunch...Dixon... Well, i really can not read him... But i don't trust him....And Byron??? Well, he is an entitled jerk and he thinks that he is the king of the world... I can understand that he is hurting over Reed, but the things that he did to Palmer made me hate him fiercely!!!Honestly, i can not understand these boys and their intentions... I can not understand what it was going on with Reed and all of them, but it drives me crazy that i don't know...Please, Lindsey, hurry up!!! I need the next book ASAP!!! "We don't prey on the weak. We acquire the strong. That was our first mistake with you. We underestimated every fiber of who you are."****************************************************"When it comes to love, lust, and all that shit that makes us do stupid things for another human being, pain is inevitable. But when someone is willing to pick up the pieces, to weather the fucking storm beside you, to forgive the unforgivable, you'll know you found someone worthy of loving, someone who knows your soul better than you do yourself." ***I received an ARC for the exchange of an honest review. Thank you!***

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