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Handwriting Brain Body DisConnect: Adaptive teaching techniques to unlock a child's dysgraphia for the classroom and at home

Title Handwriting Brain Body DisConnect: Adaptive teaching techniques to unlock a child's dysgraphia for the classroom and at home
Writer Cheri L Dotterer (Author),
Date 2025-02-18 21:49:02
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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School is tough enough when you know how to write. Imagine being one of the 33% of students who struggle with writing letters and numbers.  This inability or difficulty is called dysgraphia. Children who suffer from dysgraphia often earn the reputation of being lazy or dumb. However, these children, like all children, want to succeed. They do not need to live lives of frustration and anxiety and a constant feeling of failing the adults they respect.   For over a decade, Cheri Dotterer has observed children with these challenges in school systems across the world. She witnessed their struggle with not only writing but also the challenging behaviors due to their feelings of defeat from the frustration.  While experiencing writing challenges as a child and becoming a professional in occupational therapy with a specialty in dysgraphia, Cheri has discovered a process to reduce the anxiety and frustration in children and build up their confidence and competence while writing. In this book, you will discover:How the brain and body work together to create neural pathways for learningHow different environmental features interfere with learningHow to incorporate movement strategies into teaching both spelling and vocabulary in the regular education classroomHow to discuss goals, accommodations, and modifications for special education Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or 504 plans.Eliminate stress today by including these adaptive techniques into your classroom and home today!  Read more


Editorial Reviews Review This book was enormously helpful to us. It gives easy-to-read, insightful context for the issues surrounding dysgraphia in kids. It gives concrete and specific ways to support and help kids with these issues at school and home. Dotterer has a sensitivity and deep knowledge of the issues made for a really informative, compassionate, and goal-oriented guide. Highly recommend it if your child has issues with handwriting, dysgraphia, and written expression.-DB From the Back Cover School is tough enough when you know how to write. Imagine being one of the 33% of students who struggle with writing letters and numbers. This inability or difficulty is called dysgraphia. Children who suffer from dysgraphia often earn the reputation of being lazy or dumb. However, these children, like all children, want to succeed. They do not need to live lives of frustration and anxiety and a constant feeling of failing the adults they respect. For over a decade, Cheri Dotterer has observed children with these challenges in school systems across the world. She witnessed their struggle with not only writing, but also the challenging behaviors due to their feelings of defeat from the frustration. While experiencing writing challenges as a child and becoming a professional in occupational therapy with a specialty in dysgraphia, Cheri discovered a powerful process that reduces anxiety and frustration and builds confidence and competence. In this book, you will discover*How the brain and body work together to create neural pathways for learning*How different environmental features interfere with learning*How to incorporate movement strategies into teaching both spelling and vocabulary in the regular education classroom*How to discuss goals, accommodations, and modifications for special education Individualized Education Programs (IEP) or 504 plans.Eliminate stress today by including these adaptive techniques into your classroom and home today! About the Author Cheri Dotterer author of Amazon Bestseller'sbook Handwriting Brain-Body DisConnect is an occupationaltherapist for 25 years and has a private practice. Her specialty is empoweringschool professionals and parents to master FLAWLESS COURAGE by empowering themto find the FLAWLESS POTENTIAL in themselves and others through dysgraphiaawareness. She helps teachers identify Response to Intervention (RtI) andIEP/504 strategies, so they incorporate quick solutions for the students.She is a graduate of Alvernia and Misericordia Universities and been an adjunctand guest lecturer at both universities. Cheri and her husband of 29 years havetwo adult children.    Read more

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