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Hope and Love Anthology

Title Hope and Love Anthology
Writer Piper Kay
Date 2025-03-14 14:35:15
Type pdf epub mobi doc fb2 audiobook kindle djvu ibooks
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It starts with hope. That’s what LGBTQ Centers all over the world give us, the hope, the community, the care and education we need in a world that is often hate filled, scared of the unknown, and down right scary. When first introduced to community many of us rejoice as it’s often the first time we’re able to be out and be our true selves without fear or shame. This anthology is for the benefit of one such center, one that touches many many lives, and like others, needs help and nourishment as well. Centers like the MKE LGBT Community Center depend on the love and support of others so that they may help and support us. Within this collection of stories, you will find hope, family, love, and community. Take a chance on a new author or one of your beloved… read, enjoy, and know that you are helping children, adults, teens, and elderly alike in our greater LGBTQ community!One hundred percent of the income from this volume goes directly to The MKE LGBT Community Center in Milwaukee, WI USA*A Change of Heart by Adan DePiaz*The Wrong Numbers by Kameron Mitchell*Blue Eyes by Hope Ryan*Breath of Life by M. LeAnne Phoenix*Camp Kennevan by Donovan Alekzander Crane*Dinner for the Dead by Áine P Massie*Five Down, Three To Go by Victoria Kinnaird*Forte’ by Marcus Maichle*Joey’s Choice by Piper Kay*Letter from Sarah by Aaron Silver*Micah’s Medicine by Tempeste O’Riley*My Book Boyfriend by Elaine White*Sanctuary by Jocelyn Sanchez*Something to Hold on to by Milla V.*The Queen Dethroned by B. David Spicer


This anthology would be great for any young adult who has or is thinking of coming out. It shows how there are places they can turn to for help. LGBT centers are featured in a few of these stories. Also 100% of profits go to the Milwaukee LGBT Community CentreA change of Heart By Adan DePiaz*4.5 starsThis was a really well written and captivating story. I couldn't put it down. I had the keep turning the pages to see what would happen next. Great writing, I would have paid a lot more for a full story about these boys. The author definitely left me wanting more. I looked and this author has no other works :-(All the Wrong Numbers By Kameron Mitchell **3.5 stars This was a sweet story, but very unrealistic in certain aspects. What wasn't unrealistic is the portrayal of Ivan's pastor father, who believes Ivan is a sinner because he loves Michael. The book had me skimming, to get past so much of Ivan's inner musings. I wanted more action scenes. It end with a HFN for the couple. Blue Eyes By Hope Ryan *5 starsThis was so heartbreaking yet heartwarming as well. Andy, a 16 year old is living on the streets after his parents kick him out for coming out. At a soup kitchen he sees Will. A few days later he goes back and Will tries to talk to him, but Andy bolts. Hunger and the desire to see Will again brings him back. This was a great story. It was well written, flowed really well and never lagged. It was sweet and endearing. The characters worked hard for the HEA they got in this story, and the ending was so sweet :-) Breath Of Life By M. LeAnn Phoenix **2.5 starsI was confused most of the story there were too many secondary characters talked about in such a short story. I just don't have a lot to say about this story. It just wasn't for me. This is a very confusing insta love story Camp KennevanBy Donavan Alekzander Crane** 4.5 starsThis was a great read. Shane and Scott meet at Camp Kennevan, where they are counselors and cabin mates. Shane is a little pudgy, and Scott is a major Jock. Scott offers to teach Shane martial arts to help tone him up. Scott eventually tells Shane that he likes him. The feeling is mutual, but what happens when they go back home? This was a very sweet story. I loved these boys. The story flowed well, and Shane and Scott had a really good connection. It ended with a HFN. Dinner for the DeadBy 'Aine P MassiePart of a series didn't read Five Down, Three To GoBy Victoria KinnairfPart of a series I didn't read ForteBy Marcus Maichle**3 starsThis was a sweet story. It takes place over the course of a few hours. Mark and Reed both hang out at the LGBT center. They go on a date and find they have nothing in common. When they walk back to the center they find they have more in common than they ever thought. This was a very short story. It wasn't bad, there just wasn't enough there. This story showed the two people can use their different Forte for the same cause. Joey's Choice By Piper Kay** 5 starsPiper wrote a story that left speechless. This is a story about making a choice. Choosing to live or die. This is a story for anyone suffering from depression and contemplating suicide. Sometimes this looks like the only way out, but something better may be around the corner, and if you don't make the right choice you'll miss it. Maybe you are put here to touch someone else's life. This was an awesome story!!! Great writing, and very captivating. It had me on the edge of my seat, turning each page to see what would happen next. Letter from SarahBy Aaron Silver**4 starsA beautiful letter to show someone can make a difference in your life. Micah's MedicineBy Tempeste O'Riley4 starsThis was a well written story, I just wish there would have been more of it. I would love to know where Micah and Perry go in the future. My Book Boyfriend By Elaine White**4 starsThis was a sweet funny and heartwarming story. Wouldn't we all love to have a chance to enter another "plane", and if not to stay, at least get to know more about not only our favorite MC's, but the secondary characters! The writing was good and flowed well. A very light read compared to everything else in this analogy that I have read so far. Sanctuary By Jocelyn Sanchez4 starsLuke runs a art program, The Sanctuary for people struggling with different life issues. Carter is ordered by his therapist to take the class. Carter is a very broken guy, who uses his bad attitude to push people away to keep himself from getting hurt. Can Luke make a difference in Carters life? This was very short and sweet. It was well written. I wasn't sure if I wanted to hug Carter or punch him. I loved that even for such a short story, the author not only gave us alternating POV's, We got a HEA epilogue as well. Something to Hold on toBy Milla V.4 starsThis is a story of first love, and taking chances. There were no promises and no HEA's in this story. The girls are only 15, and at 15 you can't always promise forever. It was a sweet, short well written story. The Queen DethronedBy B. David Spicer **4 starsThis was a good story, but left a lot of unresolved issues. It was interesting and well written. Monica and Ashley had a good chemistry, and I liked that the story featured a teacher that Ashley, who has a bad home life can turn too.

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